Last Chance for Easter and Passover Delivery!
Don’t delay! Order by Feb. 14 for Easter, Feb. 28 for Passover.
35% Off Sale + Free Locks

Our Table Pad Products

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Photo Gallery

Table Pads

Dining Table Pads photo Dining Table Pads You can’t control what happens at the dinner table. Add a table pad so you won’t have to worry.
Buffet Table Pad photo Buffet, Server, Sideboard, or Console Pads Serving hot food off a buffet or server can lead to accidents.
Kitchen Table Pad photo Kitchen Table Pads Turn a kitchen or casual table into a workspace for crafts, bills or homework.
Protective Desk Pad photo Full Desktop Desk Pads Protect your entire desktop with a pad custom-made to the exact shape of your desk.
Protective Desk Pad photo Cocktail Table or Coffee Table Pads Protect your coffee table from scratches, water marks, heat, heels and spills.
Kitchen Island or Kitchen Counter Pad photo Kitchen Island or Kitchen Counter Pads Acidic foods like wine and tomatoes can stain marble.
End Table/Night Stand Protector Pad photo End Table or Night Stand Pads Save your end table or night stand from water marks, heat and scratches.
Dresser or Chest Protector Pad photo Dresser or Chest Pads Save your chest or dresser from scratch damage and water marks.
Conference Table Pad photo Conference Table Pads Protect your conference table with a custom pad, including openings for outlets/speakers.


Table Extenders

Table Extender Pad photo with more place settings Extend Any Table Add seating and enlarge any type of furniture, from dining tables to pool tables.
Card Table Extender Pad photo Card Table Extenders Enlarge card tables and other small tables.
Pool Table Extender Pad photo Billiard Table Extenders Protect your billiard table’s felt-bed and gain a work or dining surface.


Table Pad Accessories

Table Pad Storage Bags photo Table Pad Storage Bags Heavy gauge vinyl with velcro closure to protect your investment.
Flannel Table Leaf Storage Bags photo Table Leaf Storage Bags, Flannel 100% cotton to protect your wooden leaves from scratches while not in use.
Vinyl Table Leaf Storage Bags photo Table Leaf Storage Bags, Vinyl Heavy gauge vinyl bags with a soft lining protect your leaves from moisture.
Fabric Snug-Locks photo Fabric Snug-Locks Unlike magnetic locks, Snug-Locks will not conduct heat or collect abrasive dust.


Table Pad Shapes

We can make any shape of custom table pad. These are some of the most popular kinds of protective table pad we sell:

Rectangular Table Pads Shop Rectangular table protector shape Square Table Pads Shop Square table protector shape Circular/Round Table Pads Shop Circle table protector shape Rectangular Table Pads with Rounded Corners Shop Round-cornered rectangle table protector shape Square Table Pads with Rounded Corners Shop Round-cornered square table protector shape Oval Table Pads Shop Oval table protector shape Rectangular Buffet, Server, Sideboard, or Console Pads Shop Rectangle buffer/sideboard protector shape Other Shape Buffet, Server, Sideboard, or Console Pads Shop Round-cornered or other server/console protector shape Custom Shape Table Protector Pads Shop Scalloped edge or other other custom-made table protector shape